by Steven Richards


A trio of congressional committees on Tuesday released a new report asserting that Hunter Biden received special treatment from his father’s Justice Department.

The 77-page interim report, released by the House’s Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight and Accountability committees is the “third prong” of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The inquiry focuses on “the Biden Justice Department’s purported commitment to impartial justice,” according to the report.

The congressional investigators made three conclusions that they say are born from documents and 10 witness interviews:

  • The Justice Department and FBI officials gave special treatment to Hunter Biden
  • U.S. Attorney David Weiss did not have the “ultimate authority” over the Hunter Biden case as he claimed to Congress
  • The Biden Justice Department engaged in a cover-up of the Hunter Biden case after the IRS whistleblowers came forward earlier this year.

You can read the report here.

Witness by witness, the IRS Whistleblowers’ account of how the Hunter Biden investigation has been handled by the Biden Justice Department and other agencies has been vindicated by the testimony of some of the witness testimony that the report relies on, as Just the News previously reported.
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Steven Richards joined Just the News in August 2023 after previously working as a Research Analyst for the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) in Tallahassee, Florida. He is a two-time graduate of Florida State University with a Masters in Political Science and a B.S. in International Affairs. 



Reprinted with permission from Just the NewsÂ