by Brandon Poulter


The Department of Education (ED) opened an investigation into a Wisconsin school Wednesday after an adult man identifying as transgender allegedly exposed himself to underaged girls, according to an ED letter.

After a swimming class in March at Sun Prairie Area High School (SPASD), four freshmen girls were exposed to the genitalia of an 18-year-old male student claiming to be transgender who allegedly undressed in front of them, and despite SPASD being informed of the incident, nothing was done. Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) demanded that the ED Office of Civil Rights (OCR) investigate SPASD after allegedly failing to address the incident.

“Following the school’s failure to sufficiently address the incident, disregard for parents’ concerns, and their stonewalling of an open records request, WILL worked alongside parents of the school district to seek an investigation and remedies from the Department of Education under the Biden Administration. The federal government notified WILL that in response to our complaint they are opening an investigation of SPASD,” a press release from WILL reads.

“Parents and students should be able to feel confident that their school is complying with federal laws like Title IX, but right now in Sun Prairie parents do not have that confidence. We applaud the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights for investigating the allegations made in our complaint, but we all need to wait and see if they take this as seriously as they should,” Cory Brewer, WILL associate counsel, said in a press release.

The issue of transgender persons being allowed in bathrooms that align with their “gender identity” has become a contentious issue across the country. A district court in Idaho blocked a state law in October that would have prevented male students from using female bathrooms and locker rooms.

Hundreds of students at a Pennsylvania school walked out in September protesting the decision to allow transgender students to use bathrooms that matched their “gender identity.”

“We hope this results in answers for parents and families at the Sun Prairie Area School District, but we won’t know until we see the results of the investigation,” Brewer continued.

“The Sun Prairie Area School District does not condone any student of one sex being present in a state of undress in the presence of students of another sex on school property. The District does not condone a student of one sex showering in the presence of students of another sex. What happened in this incident was not in line with our District’s practices,” a spokesperson for SPASD told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The Office for Civil Rights can confirm that there is an open investigation of Sun Prairie School District under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,” a spokesperson for ED told the DCNF.

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Brandon Poulter is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. 





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