by Charlotte Hazard


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says that Republicans in the House should expand their Biden investigation to look into other Democrat politicians such as former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“There’s, I think, a second reason for dramatically broadening the investigation,” Gingrich said on the “John Solomon Reports” podcast. “I’m working now on a series of articles for the American Spectator – making the case that this is really about the weaponization of government, the collapse of the rule of law and its replacement by the rule of power. And that really involves three principles. It involves Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.”

The National Archives and Records Administration earlier this week acknowledged possessing potentially up to 5,400 emails connected to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s pseudonym accounts that he used to forward government information and discuss business with his son, Hunter Biden and others.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has hinted before in recent statements that the House could launch an impeachment inquiry into President Biden as soon as the House reconvenes.

“Remember, when you start getting things like the discovery that Biden wrote under three fake names, Obama by the way also wrote under fake names and of course, Hillary had an entire fake server in her home,” Gingrich continued. “Obama and Biden both wrote to her fake server which is totally outside the security rules.”

Gingrich explained that the congressional investigations have to go beyond Hunter Biden.

“I think any investigation has to go way beyond Hunter Biden, who by the standards of corruption is a small fish … while Obama was president, none of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It’s just not possible.”

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Charlotte Hazard is a reporter at Just the News.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News