by Haika Mrema


Arizona voters approved a proposition which allows illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition costs.

Proposition 308 was passed with 51.2% approval and will “allow Arizona students, regardless of immigration status, to be eligible for financial aid at state universities and community colleges.”

It also qualifies such students for in-state tuition rates, reversing a 2006 decision to block undocumented students from qualifying. Eligible students must graduate from an Arizona high school or home school equivalent and have attended for two years.

Arizona now joins 22 other states and Washington D.C. which offer financial aid for illegal immigrants. 14 states implement “tuition equity” laws to extend in-state tuition rates, according to the National Immigration Law Center.

Proposition 308 supporters met in Phoenix to declare victory on November 14 before the vote was officially called.

“A majority of Democrats and a significant number of Independents and Republicans voted to change the Constitution. To treat immigrants brought to the United States as children with dignity and humanity,” former Arizona State Senator Bob Worsley said during a virtual briefing hosted by Yes on 308 Coalition.

“This bi-partisan vote in Arizona shows the way forward for the Congress for Dreamers and for farm workers before the end of this year,” said Rebbeca Shi, American Business Immigration Committee executive director.

“Yes On 308” claims the proposition will benefit more than 3,600 Arizona students.

Carolina Rodriguez Greer, Mi Familia Vota state director, said in the briefing that the work is “not done.”

“We want full federal protection for our Dreamers … so that we can fully live our lives in Arizona and in this country that we all call home,” she said.

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Haika Mrema is a student at Baylor University studying entrepreneurship and corporate innovation. She is also the Vice President of the Network of Enlightened Women chapter on campus. Haika writes letters for her school newspaper: The Lariat.
Photo “Migrant Student” by Andrea Piacquadio.



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