In an impassioned speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Blackburn on Thursday argued that the implementation of new mask mandates are connected to a push for power, not “following the science.”

“We are going to continue to have COVID-19 in our presence. We know that, but we also know that what is happening today is not necessarily about masks. This is about continuing to perpetrate these lockdowns. We’ve had a series of lockdowns … [and the left was] pulling back on freedom, giving power to the government, and lessening the ability for individual choices,” Blackburn said while addressing her colleagues.

Across the country, left-leaning leaders are moving to reinstate mask mandates as positive coronavirus cases begin to rise. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released new guidelines that recommended fully vaccinated individuals continue to wear a mask. The move is a reversal of their suggestions published just two months prior.

“This is left-wing hysteria. This is hysteria. Frighten people. Make them think a lockdown’s coming. Make them think things are worse than what they are. No, this is the United States of America. We do not lock up people we disagree with. We don’t push forward with this type of activity. We don’t silence our opponents. We believe in free speech,” Blackburn continued in her speech.

Blackburn also slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for reinstating the mask mandate and allowing U.S. Capitol Police to arrest any visitors or Congressional staff members who do not fully comply with the order.

Blackburn added, “There is no deliberation that appears to have gone into this newest mandate from the Speaker of the House, but you don’t need deliberation when you’ve decided that you can just resort to threats such as locking up staffers and visitors if they do not wear a mask on the House side.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].