In a span of two days, close to 200 migrants were detained by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol in San Miguel and Three Points, a town just 15 miles from Tucson.

The majority of individuals traveling in the groups were unaccompanied minors trekking to the United States from countries such as Guatemala.

On Wednesday, approximately 90 migrants surrendered to Border patrol agents. “In less than 24 hours, 90 migrants surrendered to agents from the Three Points Station. More than half were unaccompanied #migrant children from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador,” interim chief patrol agent John Modlin tweeted.

The next day, on Thursday, 95 more illegal migrants were detained — the overwhelming majority of which were unaccompanied minors, according to Modlin.

Early this morning, 95 migrants surrendered to #BorderPatrol agents after illegally crossing the border near San Miguel, #AZ. 91 in the group were unaccompanied #migrant children primarily from Guatemala,” he tweeted again.

The crisis at the border has not slowed down in recent months. Thousands of migrants have crossed the southern border each month. President Joe Biden has been hesitant to acknowledge the issues facing many border states and towns.

The only actions taken by the Biden administration has been to seemingly reduce restrictions meant to curb the illegal crossings. For example, upon taking office, Biden ended the emergency declaration for the area, which had allowed for additional resources to assist with deterring the crossings. With the same order, Biden ended construction on the wall along the border.

Due to overcrowded processing facilities, the administration has angered several states by relocating large groups of migrants to their jurisdiction. Both Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds called on Congress to hold a hearing, after numerous reports surfaced that the administration sent individuals there without warning each state.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].