by Jason Cohen


Journalist Mark Halperin said Monday that Vice President Kamala Harris’ latest remarks about former President Donald Trump signal her campaign may be heading toward failure.

While in North Carolina, Harris recently accused Trump’s staff of blocking him from doing a “60 Minutes” interview, debating her again and releasing his medical records. Halperin (pictured above), on his 2WAY platform, said these issues are not meaningful to average voters and that she is only raising them because her prior strategies against Trump have fallen flat.

Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Pittsburgh

Photo “Donald Trump” by Donald Trump; “Kamala Harris” is by Kamala Harris; and “Pittsburgh Skyline” is by Carol Highsmith.

DCNF-logo“She’s talking about stuff that really has no effect on the real lives of real people, okay? When you are in the end, and you’re looking at the polls every day, and the stuff you haven’t been doing that isn’t working, according to your own data, what do you do? You start talking about new stuff to see what sticks to the wall,” Halperin said. “So she’s now talking about a bunch of stuff related to Trump’s being secretive: no medical records, won’t debate, won’t do ’60 Minutes.’”

“It got a lot of the attention in the press. I will say, having covered winning and losing campaigns — Bob Dole, end of 1996 — ‘Where’s the outrage?’ John Kerry, same thing. Mike Dukakis, you know, Hillary — no, not Hillary ’cause she thought she was going to win … Everybody who’s ever lost in the last three weeks, they start to bring up new stuff,” he added. “If you go to a Green Bay diner today … ask people there if they’re going to decide who they vote for based on whether Trump will do a ’60 Minutes’ interview or whether he’ll do another debate … These are all signs that they know they have a problem, and I’ll say, if you can find me a single voter who will vote based on this, good luck.”

Trump currently holds small leads in six out of the top seven battleground states, with Harris only slightly leading in Wisconsin, according to the RealClearPolling averages. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten asserted on Tuesday that if Trump outperforms his 2024 polling by the identical margin he did against President Joe Biden in 2020, he will win sufficient swing states to beat Harris “in a blowout.”

Watch Halperin’s remarks:

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Jason Cohen is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.



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