by  James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer


The 800-mile path of destruction wrought by Hurricane Helene to the southeastern United States has been massive. The scope and scale of the devastation are only now beginning to be understood. There are at least 200 dead, millions of lives disrupted, and many billions of dollars of damage. The tardy, callous, and insouciant response of the Biden-Harris administration recalled the famous New York Daily News headline from 1975: “Ford to City: Drop Dead.” “Drop Dead” was certainly the animating spirit for the lack of action by the Biden-Harris administration in the face of the tremendous suffering of Americans in those states.

While Biden was once again at the beach in Delaware, presidential candidate Harris purposefully decided that raising money in Hollywood, one of the Democrats’ ATMs, was more important than demonstrating her humanity and concern for MAGA American citizens. The cash raised cannot offset the rage so many citizens feel towards the Biden-Harris administration as hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars flow to Ukraine and illegal aliens, while the hurricane’s victims receive vouchers for $750. Incredibly, with this display of base and myopic partisanship, the Biden-Harris administration has done itself no favors with voters in the swing states of Georgia and North Carolina. One must wonder why such a tone-deaf response could be given just over a month from the presidential election, with the only logical explanation being the chilling realization that they do not care for these Americans and believe their lives are not as important as the pursuit of their Marxist agenda.

Hurricane Helene’s violent winds and rain carried away the lies of the Biden-Harris administration to reveal an important truth for all Americans. The Biden-Harris is actively hostile toward the American population. First, they ignored, then explained away their inaction, and then adopted a plodding and insulting response. All that was intentional. It compels the query — what kind of American president would permit such an inchoate response to the needs of millions of Americans in distress? Moreover, given this is being done in an election year and within key battleground states, it is plain to see that a Harris administration will not be one that values all Americans and treats them equally. Instead, Harris’s response and attitude come across as one that is confident of victory no matter how contemptuously it treats its population.

A major natural disaster, like a hurricane, is a good metaphor for the destructive political ideology of Marxism-Leninism held by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Biden-Harris administration. The fact of the matter is that the Biden-Harris hurricane hit America’s shores on January 20, 2021, and has been relentlessly destroying the country ever since. For example, the opening of the U.S. borders has transformed the country as surely as any hurricane or other natural disaster could. Helene devastated seven states; Hurricane Biden-Harris has devastated 50.

Helene has passed, and there is now the long and arduous task of rebuilding lives and cleaning up. Natural disasters pass and people can recover. However, man-made disasters like Communism do not pass.

This week the CCP celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). While  and the rest of the CCP celebrate, 75 years of tyranny is nothing for the Chinese people or the world to applaud but rather to mourn. The hurricane of Communism arrived in China 75 years ago and its destructive effects have been without end. The CCP’s hurricane devasted 1.4 billion people and one of the world’s great civilizations.

While it may seem counterintuitive, this PRC anniversary is also an important caveat for Americans. This is because the CCP’s effect on China has been horrific. It created a swath of destruction throughout the country and provides a contemporary example of the destructive impact of a Communist dictatorship. The CCP has intentionally destroyed the traditional pillars of Chinese culture, society, and civilization and killed scores of millions of Chinese. Fundamentally, the CCP is at war with Chinese civilization and the Chinese people. The great violence that the CCP employs against the Chinese people to sustain their illegitimate rule is a testament to their minatory nature and the contempt with which they hold the Chinese people.

What the CCP celebrated this week is important for Americans to realize and for them to understand that their political principles, values, and culture may be blown away as completely as the Chinese people’s civilization was, and as suddenly as a hurricane, by a Biden-Harris administration that loathes them.

Yet, unlike a physical hurricane, there is something Americans can do about those who seek to inflict a political hurricane on the nation. Comprehending what is at stake in the 2024 election is essential. As we have argued in these pages, a Harris victory would lead to the United States becoming a one-party state, just like California, Hawaii, or New York. That one-party control would rapidly devolve into tyranny as there would be no checks on the executive branch either by the fiat of executive order or the dictates from unelected federal bureaucrats and their endless regulations that choke out our individual freedoms and liberty. History provides ample empirical evidence of what will happen next. Once the one-party state no longer has any institutional checks and balances from federalism or the Supreme Court, the descent into tyranny will be swift and certain.

As America deals with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, more and more Americans are beginning to comprehend that the election of 2024 is everything. This is the time for Americans from all backgrounds to contribute, as one, to Trump’s effort, first by voting and second by actively engaging with our family, friends, and fellow citizens to alert them to the coming danger of a new hurricane — one named Harris.

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James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer are authors of Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure. The views expressed are their own.
Photo “Kamala Harris” by Kamala Harris and “Joe Biden” is by Joe Biden.