by Carpe Diem


If you were the owner of a professional football team, and you had just finished in last place for the third year in a row, one would expect management to implement serious personnel changes before the following season—that is if the team actually cared about winning.

Maybe the team needs a new coach that the players respect and trust to make the right play calls. Maybe they need a quarterback that doesn’t lead the league in interceptions and can run outside the pocket. Maybe they need an offensive line that will actually protect the quarterback from hitting the deck on every third and long. Maybe they need a kicker who doesn’t choke under pressure. Or maybe they just need their star wide receiver to stay healthy.

Chances are, if the team finished in last place—they probably need to replace all of the above.

The bottom line is—whatever the reason may be for the team’s record of futility, it is the job of management to do a top to bottom assessment of the team’s strengths (if any) and weaknesses—in order to best determine what changes need to be made in both the short term and the long term—so the team can be competitive again in the near future—and so the stadium does not have the energy of a Joe Biden rally.

No one wants to root for a laughingstock and no one wants to play for one either.

The same is true in the corporate world.

If you’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and your revenue has dropped for the third consecutive year, or your market share has been eclipsed by your rivals—and your most productive executives are jumping ship for your competitors, chances are the company is doing something wrong.

Again, a top to bottom assessment of the organization is required to determine what actually went wrong and how to right the ship.

Maybe the company released a really great product, but then got too complacent. Maybe it failed to innovate and stay ahead of what its competitors were doing. Maybe it has gone woke and now places too much emphasis on its “social justice” DEI initiatives—or as Governor Ron DeSantis aptly refers to it: discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination. Maybe it needs a better marketing department. Or maybe its PR team did a very poor job of handling a crisis and the company quickly lost the trust of its customers.

As an aside note—the best way to handle a crisis is to be as honest and as transparent as possible with the stakeholders. The easiest way to lose the loyalty of faithful customers is to fail to acknowledge reality and to make excuses for your own poor decisions.

Which brings us to Biden’s trainwreck of a presidency.

By every available metric, he has failed as commander in chief.

Since Biden took office: Inflation is up, real income is down, crime is up, home ownership is down, illegal immigration is up, business investments are down, mortgage rates are up, average hourly earnings are down, interest rates are way up, oil drilling on federal lands is down, but not surprisingly the price of gas is up.

Lord knows how many Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan—after his disastrous withdrawal that killed 13 members of our military and left behind billions of dollars worth of weaponry.

Russia has invaded Ukraine, leading to a seemingly never-ending quagmire and China continues to apply military pressure to Taiwan while engaging in cyber threats against the U.S.

Like other dictators, Putin and Xi do not fear a weak president who stumbles over his own words almost as often as he does over his own feet.

Oh and did I mention, a second Holocaust against the Jewish people has just occurred, setting off a violent wave of antisemitism across the world, and bringing into question the very real threat of Israel’s survival.

At this point you’re probably wondering what a football analogy has to do with Biden’s presidency.

Here’s how.

Even with all of these disastrous policy outcomes, whether foreign or domestic, to my knowledge, Biden has not fired a single cabinet member, nor has he changed a single one of his policies.

The reason for this is simple: his policy failures might have an adverse effect on the American people, or on the Israelis and the American hostages still being held by the Hamas savages in Gaza—but Biden and his team have done exactly what his puppet masters have told him to do.

There is no incentive for him to fire anyone, because all of his smug underlings have executed Biden’s progressive wish list to the fullest extent—regardless of what the disastrous circumstances on the ground are.

From the moment he was sworn in, Biden declared war on American energy and started pushing costly electric vehicles. His brilliant Department of Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, the same woman who once recommended buying an electric vehicle to combat the high price of gas, and also said that killing drilling in ANWR had nothing to do with the price increase at the pump—has certainly failed at relieving the pain so many are feeling as they drive to work each day, but she has succeeded in rewarding Biden’s cronies in the EV industry.

Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken still has his job—even though he oversaw the most embarrassing military withdrawal in American history, and has returned to the diminished U.S. globalist Obama/Biden Iran appeasement strategy, even as they threaten Israel’s existence by funding Hamas and Hezbollah.

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas still has his job, even as he deliberately fails to secure our border, lies to congress, and does absolutely nothing to stop the cartels, drugs, and terrorists from pouring in.

Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin still has his job despite our military recruitment numbers suffering historic lows—likely due to an emphasis on race and gender quotas, discharging those who refused to take the Covid vaccine, focusing less on physical readiness and more on combating “climate change,” and other useless DEI initiatives that have weakened our military.

Biden’s Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg still has his job, even though he has mishandled virtually every single air, rail, and supply chain crisis he has dealt with. But don’t worry, word on the street is that his Secret Service detail still drops him off two blocks from DOT headquarters so he can pick up a city bike in order to save the planet.

And of course this list would not be complete without mentioning Biden’s “historic” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre—who has proven that who you sleep with is apparently a higher qualification for the job than having any basic intelligence, knowledge, or ability to tell the truth to the American people.

I deliberately left Kamala Harris off this list, because not even she knows what her job is anymore.

All joking aside, these are the people that are running our country into the ground, and they are doing it deliberately without any repercussions. This is a large reason why the government as a whole sucks, because it is accountable to no one.

But here’s the good news, with the coming election cycle we can vote out every single one of these Marxists and put someone in charge who has a proven record of success.

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Carpe Diem is a contributor to American Greatness.
Photo “Joe Biden” by President Joe Biden.







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