by Eric Lendrum


A new poll released on Friday shows that a majority of Americans believe that artificial intelligence (AI) will lead to more misinformation being spread on the Internet during the 2024 presidential election.

According to The Hill, the poll from AP-NORC and the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy found that 58 percent of Americans believe AI will lead to an increase in election misinformation. Among respondents who said they have “heard a lot or some about AI” 61 percent believed in the threat of more misinformation.

When asked about possible actions to combat the misuse of AI, 66 percent said they support the federal government banning AI-generated images from being used in political ads. Among those 66 percent, 78 percent were Democrats and 66 percent were Republicans.

When asked if the government should ban all AI-generated content from political ads, 54 percent of Americans said yes. On another question, 65 percent said they support technology companies and social media platforms explicitly labeling AI-generated content as such, with another 60 percent saying they support social media companies banning AI-generated images that are false or misleading.

The poll featured a sample size of 1,017 Americans, and was conducted between October 19th and October 23rd.

The rise of AI has begun to draw the attention of elected officials, with Joe Biden issuing an executive order on Monday aimed at addressing concerns regarding AI, from national security to threats to American labor. Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate is set to hold a forum focusing on AI and its impact on elections.

The use of AI-generated images has already impacted several campaigns in the 2024 cycle. The presidential campaign of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) was widely criticized after its official “DeSantis War Room” account posted a video that included several fake, AI-generated images of President Trump and Anthony Fauci embracing.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness. 





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