by Eric Lendrum


The mayors of five of the biggest cities in the United States are demanding a meeting with Joe Biden to discuss the mass migration crisis, as theirs and other major cities continue to be overrun with hordes of third-world illegal aliens.

Politico reports that the mayors of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Denver have been pressing for a meeting in order to address the lack of support from the federal government, which has led to a strain on city resources. The five mayors, who are all Democrats, sent a letter to the Biden Administration which was obtained by the Associated Press on Wednesday.

The coalition is being led by Denver Mayor Mike Johnston (D-Colo.), who claims that the top issue regarding the migration crisis is the illegal aliens’ alleged desires to find work upon arriving.

“The crisis is we have folks here who desperately want to work. And we have employers here who desperately want to hire them,” Johnston claimed. “And we have a federal government that’s standing in the way of employers who want to hire employees who want to work.”

The other mayors are: New York Mayor Eric Adams (D-N.Y.), Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D-Calif.), Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D-Ill.), and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (D-Texas).

Few issues have led to a greater divide within the Democratic Party than the border crisis. At the start of Biden’s presidency, virtually all Democrats were united in their support for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, which vowed to provide free, taxpayer-funded benefits to illegals as Democrats sought to eventually provide them with amnesty in order to guarantee their votes in subsequent elections.

But Republican officials soon began to use the migration crisis as backdrop to perform political stunts against the Democrats, intended to expose their hypocrisy regarding their refusal to house illegals in their own jurisdictions. Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R-Texas) started the trend of sending busloads of illegals to Democratic cities, including Washington D.C. and New York. Others soon followed, and the cities became overwhelmed with more illegals flooding in, particularly New York.

As New York and other cities are forced to convert various facilities, from schools to police stations, into temporary shelters for the illegals, Biden has largely been silent on the crisis even as some Democrats, including Adams, began demanding stricter border security and immigration law enforcement.

Biden has since requested $1.4 billion from Congress to provide more shelter and services for illegals throughout the country. But the five mayors demanded no less than $5 billion.

“While we are greatly appreciative of the additional federal funding proposed,” the letter reads, “our city budgets and local taxpayers continue to bear the brunt of this ongoing federal crisis.”

Republicans in Congress are likely to oppose any additional funds that will go towards supporting illegals, setting up an entirely separate showdown for Biden over the matter. The immigration crisis is expected to be a top campaign issue in the 2024 presidential election, in which Biden is seeking re-election and will most likely face a rematch with former President Donald Trump.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Illegal Immigrants” by John Modlin.






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