by Bernadette Comfort


This election is not only an important one but a costly one. It has been crisis after crisis under the Biden administration and Pennsylvanians are paying the price. As the crises continue to grow, Biden has become a drag on Democrats. Democrats like Susan Wild and John Fetterman are detached from Pennsylvanians and the issues that matter to families and business have fallen to the wayside under their leadership.

Gas prices and energy costs are crippling Pennsylvania families. This year as a country, we surpassed the highest recorded average gas price ever and those that heat their homes with oil are facing serious cost increases that are a direct result of the Biden-Democrat agenda.

There are many reckless extreme energy policies coming from the Biden administration, and the list continues to grow. Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, indefinitely delayed planned oil and gas lease sales on public lands and is now reportedly weighing a “complete block on offshore drilling.” With a legacy like this on such a vital component of a functioning nation, it’s no wonder why Americans are being financially devastated at the gas pumps. Unfortunately, this was all too predictable given the Biden-Wild anti-American energy agenda.

Another anti-energy warrior is John Fetterman. He signed a pledge to ban fracking. He said “I don’t support fracking at all and I never have” and called it a “stain” on Pennsylvania. Banning fracking would destroy the Pennsylvania energy industry, killing hundreds of thousands of middle-class jobs and taking $261 billion out of the state’s economy in the process. Fetterman clearly isn’t blue collar; he’s an extreme radical who wants to kill fracking, supports the Biden-Wild disastrous economic agenda, and pushes soft-on crime policies.

Like Fetterman, Wild also has a dangerous track record of defending criminals. Wild argued a case for a children’s psychiatric hospital where a patient was brutally raped by a counselor. Wild went on to fight for congressional funding for the hospital, despite its horrific record of covering up rape and assault. Given that, it’s not surprising that Wild sides with the most radical members of the Democrat Party, even taking money from AOC’s pro-defund the police PAC. Buried in the fine print of an application to receive money from the group is a question that requires legislators to attest that they will work to defund the police. Crime continues to spike and Democrats’ only solution is to add insult to injury and inhibit our police from having the resources they need. Wild has no place making decisions for the children and communities of Pennsylvania, and certainly not about their safety.

As it stands today, Carbon County voters could decide the winner of the 7thCongressional District race between Democrat Susan Wild and Republican Lisa Scheller. Yet, Wild recently degradingly claimed that she will have to educate Carbon County voters who voted for Donald Trump, stating “I guess I’ll have to school them on that a little bit.” Clearly, Wild arrogantly thinks she knows better than the Pennsylvanians she hopes to represent. Betraying voters, Wild has voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time in the 117th Congress. Her liberal voting record includes voting for Biden’s “Build Back Broke” agenda, a huge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans that would have increased inflation even more, hiked prices for Pennsylvania families, and raised taxes on the middle class.

Meanwhile, Republicans are focusing on issues that matter to voters in all communities: access to education, keeping our communities safe, saving the energy sector, and lowering prices for everything from gas to groceries. Democrats are promoting extreme policies and aligning themselves with a failed president who has taken an economic recovery and turned it into a recession, but Republicans are reaching out to voters across the Keystone State. For November, the choice could not be clearer: more crises and failures from Wild and Fetterman or Republican leadership to usher in opportunity, safety, and prosperity.

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Bernadette Comfort, Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania
Photo “John Fetterman” by Lt. Gov. John Fetterman. Photo “Susan Wild” by U.S. House Office of Photography. Background Photo “Carbon County Courthouse” by Joseph. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.