Legislative District 10 Republicans and Michele Swinick of the Save My Freedom Movement put on an event Wednesday evening featuring the story of Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters, who says she believes she encountered programming discrepancies with the voting machines in her county in Colorado, and is now being prosecuted for election tampering.
The event included a screening of the documentary about her experience, “Selection Code,” and a Q & A session with both Peters and the documentary producers and directors, Matt and Joy Thayer. The title “Selection Code” refers to programming voting machines in order to choose certain candidates as winners.
The Thayers, who appeared via a Zoom call shown on a big screen at the event, run their own film company, Speropictures, and have been involved in numerous movies, including the abortion movie “Unplanned.” Matt Thayer told the audience they consider themselves “weapon manufacturers” by producing documentaries that provide people with information they can act on. He explained, “We’re not going to win with facts and figures and spreadsheets.” His wife added, “This is a human story, about saving humanity.”
They admitted it was “the most insane project” they’d ever worked on, due to what has happened to Peters. They haven’t had to worry too much about censorship from Big Tech, since they are giving the movie away free of charge and it can be uploaded to free speech-friendly platforms like Rumble. Joy Thayer said the day the movie Unplanned was released, her Twitter account was suspended.
Matt Thayer joked with the Arizona audience, “Don’t forget to bring your pen when you vote in Arizona,” referencing the bleed-through problems voters found when marking their ballots using sharpies or Pentel markers handed to them by election workers.
Peters, who also appeared via Zoom, in order to comply with her bail conditions, told The Arizona Sun Times the mainstream media has been hitting her with attack pieces. She read from an article that came out that day from Colorado Pols. It stated, “[A]t some point soon Peters is going to have to choose between sacrificing her freedom to preserve her status as a political martyr for the Big Lie, or cutting her own deal with prosecutors to minimize her own suffering.”
The documentary focused on Peters’ concern after the April 2021 election that the Colorado Secretary of State (SOS) may have deleted election files off her election servers while performing a software version upgrade. Programming experts helped her examine the files before and after the upgrade, and determined that extra databases had been created for ballot images, and thousands of those ballot images were not transferred over, excluding them from final tabulation amounts.
Peters became concerned when four progressive candidates for Mesa City Council won their races, which was a surprise, she said, even to the candidates – since that area is 65 percent Republican, 35 percent Democrat.
The documentary concluded with database and systems analyst Jeffrey O’Donnell theorizing that voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election was conducted in Colorado by “point shaving,” a technique that, in this case, allegedly allocated “extra” votes for Joe Biden in red counties like Peters’ where it wouldn’t quite tip the election to him in those counties, but in aggregate, adds enough to ensure the state overall went for Biden.
As a result of Peters investigating her election machines and then releasing the reports to the public, the initiated an investigation into her that resulted in a search of her home and seizure of her computer equipment. She and her deputy clerk were indicted in March for a myriad of charges related to alleged election tampering.
Peters told the audience that she believes there was voter fraud in her recent race for SOS. She has been trying to get a hand recount, but the cost is prohibitive. Seven other America First candidates who lost the election are also trying to get their races looked at, but do not have the money. In their contracts with the government, the voting machine company requires tens of thousands of dollars to conduct a hand count.
Peters said the area she’s in — the western slope of Colorado, which includes Delta, Montrose, and Grand Junction — is the last conservative bastion in the state, and the Left is setting its sights on it.
She cited a District Commission race in Dekalb County, Georgia, where an America First candidate, Michelle Long Spears, came in third place behind two other candidates, ending her run while the other two proceeded to the runoff election. Spears requested the breakdown of votes by precinct and discovered there were zero votes for her in her own precinct — even though she and her husband had voted for her. After a hand count was conducted, she easily beat the other candidates with 61 percent of the vote.
A judge is expected to rule on Peters’ request for a hand count of the SOS race on Friday.
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Rachel Alexander is a reporter at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Rachel on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].