by George Rasley


It is hard to imagine how, other than through demonic influence, a Christian church and its pastor could come to be the force behind an effort to use the church and the public schools to recruit young people between the ages of 12 and 18 into a homosexual and transgender “pride conference.”

Florida’s Voice reported the event will feature a “drag show” as an “exploration of LGBTQ-related issues facing today’s youth.” Attendees are asked to enter their pronouns and the name of their school.

To give you some idea of who these demons are targeting, because no responsible Christian adult would do such a thing, the free shuttle transportation will be provided to and from Immokalee and Golden Gate Middle Schools.

Got that? Middle schools.

The free one-day event targeting children between the ages of 12 to 18 is scheduled to take place on May 21 at Naples United Church of Christ and was organized by the church’s now-former pastor, Rev. Dawson B. Taylor.

Rev. Taylor organized the “youth pride concert” that features a drag show, “forbidden queer literature” and asks children attending to list their pronouns and offered them free transportation from school to the day-long grooming session.

According to reporting by the UK’s Daily Mail, Reverend Taylor was previously accused of planning to host a secret “gay prom” for students within the Collier County Public Schools District.

The organizers of the event describe it as:

This one-day conference is created by and for LGBTQ youth seeking to explore LGBTQ-related issues they face today. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all attendees as well as a drag show from some of our local drag queens. Isaac Salazar will deliver the keynote address. Isaac is a young and passionate advocate in the LGBTQ Community. He is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for Zebra Coalition in Orlando. There will also be a panel discussion with former high school students talking about life in the LGBTQ community after high school. Students will also get to choose from several breakout sessions that feature a variety of presenters, some of which are Southwest Florida locals and others from LGBTQ organizations across the state.

The breakout sessions are heavy on political action and on grooming children to become full participants in antichristian homosexual and transgender lifestyles.

Upon learning of the event outraged parents contacted the Collier County School District, which denied any involvement with organizing the anti-Christian anti-Biblical activities of Rev. Taylor.

According to the Daily Mail, the Collier County Public Schools district said in a statement to Florida’s Voice that it was not made aware of the event.

“The District was never informed nor contacted about this even. It is not a sponsor of the event, which is being held at a private facility. CCPS also neither authorized nor approved the transportation of CCPS students to and from district school sites by the event organizers. Any inference to the contrary is fully rejected by CCPS,” it said in a statement.

The school district said that it had spoken to event organizers and explained that it needs to make clear that local schools are not a co-sponsor of the event.

It added that organizers were also told that local schools will not be used as transit points for pickup and drop-offs for children attending the event.

Lucas Miles, author of The Christian Left and well-known Christian personality, told Florida’s Voice that the Christian church “should be leading the way to protect young minds from explicit materials and behaviors, definitely not approving of them, or God forbid, hosting an inappropriate event that appears to have been planned without the knowledge of parents—or even the school.”

“This isn’t about politics or policy anymore. It’s a battle for retaining basic moral truths and protecting a vulnerable generation of young persons from being groomed and indoctrinated by corrupt thinkers and damaging ideologies,” he continued.

We urge CHQ readers and friends to contact the Naples United Church of Christ to offer the besieged congregation and staff your prayerful admonition that they reject the demonic influences that have attacked their church and led them to accept this clear violation of Biblical teaching.

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CHQ Editor George Rasley is an ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church and a member of Faith Leaders for America.
Photo “Naples United Church of Christ” by Naples United Church of Christ.

Reprinted with permission by