by John Solomon


Hunter Biden has struck a deal with federal prosecutors to avoid prison by pleading guilty to two tax crimes and admitting to a gun charge that could be dismissed, court records released Tuesday show.

Under the deal, President Joe Biden’s son will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges. Prosecutors also charged him with felony possession of a firearm while using illegal drug, but that charge would be dismissed if he successfully completes a two-year probation.

The tax charges accuse Hunter Biden of not paying timely taxes in 2017-18.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Christopher Clark, claimed in a statement that he believes the revalation means “the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.”

“Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life,” Clark continued, adding that the President’s son “looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward.”

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John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News.




Reprinted with permission from Just the News