by Eric Lendrum


As a result of the ongoing mass migration crisis at the southern border, the American homeless population is set to hit another record by the end of the year.

As Breitbart reports, the study conducted by the Wall Street Journal on Saturday showcased the number of people who live in homeless encampments, in homeless shelters, and on the streets, which has gone up since 2023.

“The numbers come from more than 250 homeless-service organizations covering cities, metro areas and vast rural areas,” the report states. “They are meant to reflect homelessness as it existed on a single night early this year. The Journal’s count includes about 550,000 homeless people so far, up about 10% from what these places reported last year.”

“The trend thus far means the U.S. is likely to top the roughly 653,000 homeless people estimated in 2023—the highest number since the government started reporting comparable data in 2007,” the Journal continued.

The remaining data to be counted will primarily come from cities and localities that have not yet given their homeless numbers for the year; this includes New York City, which had the highest number of homeless people last year, and will most likely contribute another massive number to this year’s total.

“Migrants bused by Texas to Chicago and Denver contributed to the latest increases when they landed in shelters there,” the Journal article noted. “Migrants have arrived in significant numbers in New York, which has long had a legal right to shelter, swelling numbers in last year’s count.”

Although the rise in homelessness has been directly attributed to the surge in illegal aliens flooding into the country due to the Biden-Harris Administration’s open-borders policy, the homeless population does not consist entirely of illegals. Instead, the rising numbers consist of both illegals with nowhere to stay as well as Americans who are out of work as a result of illegals taking available jobs.

“More working Americans are going homeless amid ‘Bidenomics,’ says a July 28 report in the Washington Post,” Breitbart reported in July. The same report “also noted that policy experts admit the homeless crisis is being made worse by the Democrats’ pro-migration policies.”

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness. 







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