Ohio’s 10-day sales tax holiday is set to begin at midnight on Tuesday and run until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, August 8.

This year’s sales tax holiday includes all tangible personal property that is $500 or less.

Exceptions to the sales tax holiday include select services, watercraft or outboard motor required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 1548 of the Revised Code, a motor vehicle, an alcoholic beverage, tobacco, a vapor product, or an item that contains marijuana – all of which will remained taxed during the period, according to the Ohio Department of Taxation.

Eligible tax-free purchases may be made in-person or online during the 10-day period.

The state’s sales tax holiday is meant to “help families buy clothing, supplies, and more items their children may need to be successful in the coming school year,” while also easing the burden on other expenses, including food purchases and a dine-in restaurant.

Ohio’s sales tax holidays previously ran for just three days and only included school-related items, and offered lower purchase price limits – $75 maximum on an item of clothing and $20 per item of instructional material and/or school supplies.

This year’s extended sales tax holiday was authorized under House Bill 33, which established the state’s operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025.

The bill was signed by Governor DeWine last year.

“Ohio’s sales tax holiday, historically, has been meant to help families buy clothing and school supplies for the upcoming school year,” DeWine said in a statement.

“This expanded sales tax break will help Ohio’s families with back-to-school necessities as well as other substantial purchases during a time when so many household budgets are being strained,” DeWine added.

For more information on this year’s sales tax holiday, visit the Ohio Department of Taxation’s website at https://tax.ohio.gov/home.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Ohio Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Woman Grocery Shopping with Her Child” by Greta Hoffman.