by Steve Cortes


Now that the will of primary voters has been discarded and President Joe Biden has been pressured out of the race by the oligarchs and powerbrokers of the Democrat Party, what are the most potent lanes of valid criticism that could make an already deeply unpopular candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, even less palatable to sensible Americans?

The three most important vulnerabilities of this radical and untested career politician are listed below.

But, first, a quick note on her dismal favorability ratings: According to the latest Civiqs polling, Harris is -22 points underwater on favorable/unfavorable, while Trump is at -12 points. The RealClear Polling averages also show Harris as far less favorably viewed than Trump — with her at -14.2 points and Trump at -10.9 points.

Also, Harris has somehow reached this nomination without enduring real political scrutiny, except for her dismal performance in the 2020 Democratic primaries, when her unpopularity forced her out of the race before she ever faced any voters in actual primary contests.

So, below is the policy roadmap to effectively end Harris’ political career:

1-The Border – As the New York Times pointed out, Kamala Harris “was deputized by President Biden with the diplomatic mission of solving the ‘root causes’ of migration.” Of course, the true “root cause” was the decision of Biden and Harris to throw America’s front door wide open. The open borders radicalism of Harris did not just tolerate masses of unvetted trespassers — she actually incentivized that lawless bull rush into our homeland.

Why would any reasonable elected official encourage such destruction of sovereignty and chaos at the border? Well, Harris had already stated that she does not view illegal border crossings as a criminal act.

In the wake of the horrific murder of college student Laken Riley on the University of Georgia campus by an illegal alien, Harris had the gall to tell NBC News that “we have a secure border.”  Her definition of “secure” apparently includes allowing at least 10 million illegal migrants to enter America since she became vice president. Regular law-and-order citizens disagree, naturally. In fact, the latest American Greatness swing-state polling of battleground Wisconsin revealed that only a scant 13% of likely voters believe immigration has made “the quality of life better in Wisconsin.”

2-California Nightmare – For decades, the Golden State represented the best of America. It symbolized unbounded Western optimism and creativity in a landscape blessed with unparalleled natural wonder. But that California dream has devolved into a nightmare. Americans across the land now rightly fear that the rest of the country will become like California — and Harris must be compelled to own her own radical California record.

For instance, not many Americans realize that California has the highest poverty rate in America, per the official Census Bureau data. This is primarily because of the sky-high cost of living there. Talk to working-class Californians and this reality becomes clear. Extremist politicians like Gov. Gavin Newsom and Harris created a terrific place for the credentialed ruling class grandees who luxuriate in glittering enclaves on the coast. But many Californians grapple with high housing costs, brutally long commutes, and increasing public disorder.

Harris would bring that California agenda to all of America. She even promised “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” If you think the Biden-Harris inflation crisis is bad now, just imagine a world of permanent California-style energy policies for the whole country.

3-Jussie Smollett Hoax – Harris publicly promoted one of the most ridiculous race-baiting hoaxes of the entire Trump era. Back in 2019actor Jussie Smollett perpetrated an asinine stuntpretending that he was randomly attacked on empty Chicago streets in the middle of the night by MAGA thugs who targeted him for being black and gay. Smollett claimed they put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him, in an apparent attempt to “whiten” him.

Of course, the ruse fell apart. But even in the immediate aftermath of the hoax, just a cursory bit of thinking would have prompted skepticism regarding these claims.

First, because Chicago is one of the bluest cities in America. Second, on that January night, Chicago was experiencing a polar vortex of such frigid severity that it was actually dangerous to even be outside in that bone-chilling cold.

But Harris could not resist the optics. So, she promulgated the inane story, posting to her social media that it was “an attempted modern day lynching.”   Anyone that gullible is not fit for public office at all, and certainly not the presidency.

Americans do not want open borders. We do not want to become California.  In addition, we are tired of radicals who view every issue through the false premise of racism. These issues reveal who Kamala Harris is.

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Steve Cortes is former senior advisor to President Donald Trump, former commentator for Fox News and CNN, and president of the League of American Workers, a populist right pro-laborer advocacy group.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Kamala Harris” by Vice President Kamala Harris.




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