by Nicholas Ballasy


Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., is pressing United States Capitol Police (USCP) Chief J. Thomas Manger for “records and information” related to their investigation of the “gallows assembled on the Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021,” according to a news release sent out on Tuesday.

Loudermilk said in the letter that it is still unknown who was behind the construction of the gallows.

He asked Manger in the letter for “all emails, text messages, chat messages, or other communications to or from USCP personnel accounts regarding the response to the discovery of the gallows erected on Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021, and the investigation into the construction of the gallows.”

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Nicholas Ballasy is a reporter for Just the News.
Photo “Capitol Police” by Elvert Barnes. CC BY-SA 2.0.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News