by Terrance Kible


DNC Chair Jaime Harrison announced “a firm commitment to nominating and electing a Democratic president” after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race today.

“In short order, the American people will hear from the Democratic Party on next steps and the path forward for the nomination process,” Harrison’s statement read.

The commitment came after Democratic heavyweights like the Clintons and Biden himself gave Vice President Kamala Harris their support.

Harrison praised Biden’s record: “The American people owe President Biden an enormous debt of gratitude for the unparalleled progress he has delivered over the last four years.”

He pledged to “honor [Biden’s] legacy” with an open nomination.

“The Party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November,” Harrison promised.

Harrison highlighted his party’s “values as Democrats,” including “lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship.”

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Terrance Kible is a national security correspondent at Just the News.


Reprinted with permission from Just the News.