by Jaryn Crouson


Democratic Rep. Brittany Pettersen of Colorado is one of several Democrats who have called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the election following the president’s press briefing on Thursday.

Pettersen released a statement Friday following Biden’s highly criticized NATO press briefing, in which he committed several crucial gaffes that fueled continued speculation that the president is not mentally fit for another four-year term. Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes, California Rep. Scott Peters and Illinois Rep. Eric Sorensen also called on Biden to step down following the briefing, with Peters saying “we are on a losing course,” keeping Biden in the race, according to NBC News.

“Joe Biden saved our country once, and I’m joining the growing number of people in my district and across the country to ask him to do it again. Please pass the torch to one of our many capable Democratic leaders so we have the best chance to defeat Donald Trump, who is the greatest threat to the foundation of this country that we have ever faced,” Pettersen said in her statement.

Pettersen joins at least 18 other Congressional Democrats who have voiced fears that Biden will lose to former President Trump if he remains the nominee in light of recent polling favoring the former president. Many Biden allies have called on the president to drop from the race following his June debate against Trump, where he appeared to freeze and made several gaffes.

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Jaryn Rouson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. 




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