From Prison, Steve Bannon Tells Breitbart’s Matt Boyle ‘The Country Is Stuck with’ Joe Biden, ‘A Non-Performing Cadaver’

Senators Unveil Bipartisan Deal on Stock Trading Ban

Axios A bipartisan group of senators reached a deal Wednesday on legislation to ban stock trading by members of Congress, setting the bill up for action in the Senate later this month. The agreement breathes new life into the push to ban stock trading by lawmakers,...
Bill to Protect Ohio Election Workers Moves Forward

Bill to Protect Ohio Election Workers Moves Forward

by J.D. Davidson   Election workers in Ohio could get a little more privacy based on a new bill working its way through the Statehouse. Recent threats and gunfire helped push Senate Bill 173 through the Senate. The bill would prevent disclosing as public records...
Trump Leads with Older Voters in Wisconsin in AARP Poll

Trump Leads with Older Voters in Wisconsin in AARP Poll

by Ben Whedon   Former President Donald Trump appears to have surged ahead of President Joe Biden with a critical constituency in battleground Wisconsin, according to a recent poll. In an AARP survey of Wisconsin voters aged 50 or older, Trump earned the support...
Controversial Election Bills Now Law in Michigan

Controversial Election Bills Now Law in Michigan

by Therese Boudreaux   Michigan’s process of handling election recounts and fraud allegations has changed, with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signing two controversial bills into law Monday. Senate bills 603 and 604 modify the requirements for conducting ballot recounts...