Republican U.S. Senate nominee told “One Nation” host Brian Kilmeade on Saturday that Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and other Democrats engaged in a “conspiracy of silence” to obscure the truth about the physical and mental fitness of President Joe Biden.

McCormick first noted to Kilmeade the close friendship between Casey and Biden, who the Republican explained often “refer to each other as ‘best friends’ or ‘best buddies,'” before explaining his view that Casey worked with other Democrats and allies of the president to protect Biden’s public image.

“I think what we have here is a conspiracy of silence,” McCormick argued. “I’m disgusted by the fact that people close to President Biden, including Senator Casey, have most clearly known that the President is in decline.”

McCormick added that he is “deeply saddened” by the president’s apparent decline, which critics argued became apparent after Biden’s poor debate performance against former President Donald Trump in June.

The Senate nominee added, “As a combat vet,” he is “deeply worried” about whether Biden is “able to fulfill the responsibilities of the Commander-in-chief at a time when we’re being challenged all around the world.”

Making the remarks in the wake of Biden’s poor debate performance but just one day before Casey would campaign with Biden in Philadelphia, the Republican argued, “he’s finally come out and supported the president. “They are two peas in a pod.”

The McCormick campaign described Casey’s joint appearances with Biden as an “ice cream social,” and again highlighted the purportedly close friendship between Casey and the 81-year-old president.

“Bob Casey, also known as Joe Biden’s ‘close friend,’ ‘secret weapon,’ and favorite rubber stamp, is expected to campaign with his fellow career politician, with whom he votes 98% of the time, around the commonwealth this Sunday after greeting his buddy at the airport,” the McCormick campaign declared in a Sunday media advisory which claimed the political event will feature “[l]ots of ice cream” but “[n]ot much accountability.”

Immediately after the first presidential debate, McCormick argued that Biden’s cabinet officials should consider their “responsibility” to remove the president from office using the 25th Amendment if they determine he is incapable of fulfilling his duties.

“If what we saw last night is reflective of what he is like day to day,” confirmed McCormick, “Yes, I am saying that is the thing they should be asking themselves right now.”

Watch McCormick’s full remarks:

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Pennsylvania Daily Star and The Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].