by Katelynn Richardson


Democratic Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul on Tuesday charged three Trump allies with felony forgery related to the 2020 election.

Two attorneys, Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis, along with former aide Mike Roman, face one count each of forgery related to their role in attempting to submit alternate elector certificates to Congress stating former President Donald Trump, rather than President Joe Biden, won the 2020 election in the state. Democratic Gov. Tony Evers shared a one word statement on X in response to the charges: “Good.”

Both Chesebro and Roman were also indicted in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ racketeering case in Georgia.

Chesebro took a plea deal in October, pleading guilty to one felony count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents. Roman’s attorney filed the January motion to disqualify Willis containing explosive allegations that she benefited financially from appointing Nathan Wade to work on the case while they were engaged in a romantic relationship.

Chesebro, Troupis and Roman will appear at the Dane County Circuit Court on Sept. 19, according to The Associated Press.

Wisconsin is the fifth state to charge Trump allies for similar “fake elector” plans during the 2020 election. Other states where charges have been filed include ArizonaNevadaMichigan and Georgia.

Roman was among 18 individuals indicted in April by a grand jury in Arizona. Democratic Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes said those individuals were charged for trying to “undermine the will” of 2020 election voters in the state.

Sixteen Republicans were charged in Michigan and six were indicted in Nevada.

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Katelynn Richardson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. 





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