by Katelynn Richardson


The Georgia Court of Appeals officially put the racketeering case against former President Donald Trump’s case on hold.

The appeals court ordered Judge Scott McAfee to pause all proceedings pending its coming ruling on the defendants’ bid to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the case. McAfee previously allowed Willis to stay on the case despite finding “a significant appearance of impropriety” in her romantic relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, who defendants allege she financially benefited from appointing.

The appeals court agreed to take up the matter in May. It will hear oral arguments on Oct. 4.

Though McAfee allowed Willis to remain on the case, he required Wade to step down. His ruling found “reasonable questions”  about whether the pair testified truthfully about the timing of their relationship, which they claimed began after Wade was appointed.

Defendants argued in their appeal that disqualifying Wade was “is insufficient to cure the appearance of impropriety the Court has determined exists.”

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Katelynn Richardson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Fani Willis” by Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.
Photo “Nathan Wade” by Wade & Campbell. 






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