by Kevin Killough


Presidential debates have traditionally run commercial free, but CNN reportedly plans to break from that tradition during its scheduled June 27 live debate.

The cable news network plans to run commercial breaks during the scheduled June 27 debate, according to the entertainment magazine Variety, citing unnamed sources.

In addition, CNN’s plan to include commercials was included in rules for access that were recently issued to members of the DC Television News Pool and subscribers of its feed and to CNN’s affiliates.

While other news organizations can televise the debate and make money off commercials, CNN’s rules also prohibit the organizations from filling the break segments with commentary from their own analysts, correspondents or personalities.

Under the Commission on Presidential Debates, presidential debates have been televised without commercials. But the candidates decided to hold the debates outside the commission’s structure and came to separate terms with CNN, and with ABC News for a September debate.

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Kevin Killough is a reporter for Just the News.
Photo “Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo “Joe Biden” by The White House CC BY 3.0.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.