A viral video emerged of a shootout outside a Nashville bar that took place two weeks ago, during which three people were injured, and more than 50 shots were fired.

Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong reposted the video, which has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on X alone.

In the video, shots can be heard from several different directions while one man screams, “I’m hit!” multiple times.

After a brief pause in the shooting, another volley of shots can be heard ringing out.

The Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) released a statement on May 6, the night of the shooting.

“Specialized Investigations Division detectives are working to determine the motive for Sunday night’s gunfire on Buchanan Street near the Minerva Avenue Bar that left three persons wounded, all non-critically,” MNPD said. “The investigation shows that several persons fired guns, including at least one of the wounded individuals. It appears the shooting started at 7:49 p.m. as some persons were leaving the bar. The three persons shot all arrived at hospitals by private vehicles, 27-year-old and 24-year-old men at Vanderbilt, and a 28-year-old man at Centennial.”

According to police, the 27-year-old man was one of the shooters.

The Tennessee Star reached out to MNPD for updates on the case but did not hear back.

According to a year-to-date analysis provided by MNPD, which the law enforcement entity notes are unofficial, homicides in Davidson County have decreased by 26 percent.

Still, violent crime is an increasing concern.

Rapes have increased by more than 14 percent, while burglaries have increased by 17 percent. Auto thefts have risen by 50 percent, the largest percent increase of any crime in the city.

Nashville also made national news when Jillian Ludwig, an 18-year-old freshman at Belmont University, was struck and killed by a stray bullet.

The suspect in the case, Shaquille Taylor, had a long rap sheet and a history of mental health issues, sparking a debate over how to treat mentally ill criminals instead of releasing them back onto the streets.

“A repeat criminal who’s deemed to have mental health issues should be dealt with in a facility or in some way that deals with those issues. The answer should not be to release him back into the streets,” Matt Ludwig, Jillian Ludwig’s father, said on Good Morning America after her death, adding that Jillian Ludwig “was thriving so well and doing so well in so many ways, in every way.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter/X.
Photo “Gun Fight” by Unlimited L’s.