by Charlotte Hazard


The Oregon Supreme Court declined Friday to hear a bid to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot, saying it wanted to wait for the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the matter.

The bid was filed by Free Speech For People, a liberal advocacy group late last year.

This decision comes after Colorado and Maine removed Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment, using the merit that Trump engaged in an insurrection during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and therefore could not hold office.

Both decisions were appealed and the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear oral arguments for the Colorado case on Feb. 8.

Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, a Democrat, had previously argued that the bid to remove Trump be thrown out on procedural grounds, CNN reports.

She also added that now is not the correct time to examine Trump’s eligibility to appear on the ballot.

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Charlotte Hazard is a 2022 Liberty University alumni who graduated with a major in journalism and a minor in government.
Background Photo “Oregon Supreme Court” by Cacophony. CC BY-SA 2.5.






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